How Eating More Plants Can Reduce Your Risk for Disease

Switching up your diet can make a huge difference for your overall health. According to the American Heart Association , a more plant-focused diet can decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a variety of cancers. Meats and dairy products, especially cheeses and processed or deli meats, can be filled with unnecessary saturated fats. Consuming these foods on a regular basis puts your health at risk. Studies also show that those who typically eat animal products have a harder time getting back into the gym following a workout. Conversely, individuals who eat plant-based diet can recover from workouts at a quicker rate. This is largely because most animal products cause the body to become inflamed while most whole foods and plants do not. This information may be unsettling, since many Americans adhere to the traditional western diet of meat at nearly every meal. After all, without meat and other animal products, where would yo...